
Sunday, December 27, 2009

Nurse Jackie's "Mo-Mo" = No Mas!

I LOVE the show Nurse Jackie - and I really love Jackie's 'Main Gay' - Mohammed "Mo-Mo" De La Cruz, played by the sexy Haaz Sleiman.  Unfortunately there will be no mo' Mo-Mo when Season Two premieres in March.

Originally Mo-Mo was supposed to be the best friend of the title character (played to perfection by Edie Falco) - but the show didn't evolve that way.  By the end of the season, other characters filled that role and poor Mo-Mo was basically there to interject campy quips into Nurse's Station conversations.  Therefore, Showtime told Mo-Mo it was time to go-go (read the story HERE).

That's really a shame - I will definitely miss Haaz's sexiness and Mo-Mo's quick wit...