
Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Snowpocalypse Is Coming! SnOMG!!!

When I wake up I'm going out to stock up on cat food and Bacardi Limon. You can never be "too prepared" in these types of situations.


  1. when i heard about the storm i thought of y'all in the city. stay safe and pleasantly tipsy throughout the 'significant snow event'!


  2. I did almost the same thing and stocked up on cat food and chocolate even though the snow misses us on that map. That corner of TN usually gets some snow because that's where the Smokey Mountains are. That picture on my blog header is from there.

    Looks as if many of you will be victims of the Snowpocalypse! Love that word!

  3. I was being Santa Claus to some Head Start children the other day and when I asked one what he wanted for Christmas he said he wanted snow. I ho ho ed and said, Well, you got what you wanted a week ago! Did you enjoy your early Christmas present? So, have yourself a merry little Holiday Inn of your own and a blesed Merry Christmas!

  4. I thought about you when the news showed NYC in waiting mode this morning. Stay cozy!
