
Monday, January 18, 2010

Great Photographs: NYC Subway - 53rd & Lexington Station

Check out this great photograph of the long and steep escalator in NYC's 53rd & Lexington Subway Station.  When the 53rd/Lex stop opened in 1933 this was the longest escalator in the word.

The steep steps are necessary because the subway station is extremely deep - 80 feet below street level.  This is to facilitate trains traveling under the East River on their way to/from Queens.


  1. That IS really neat! Interesting info as well.

  2. *vertigo* ugh, this reminds me of the peachtree center station escalators... the station is 120 ft. below the street, w/ 190 ft. escalators. needless to say, i *ALWAYS* take the elevator when i go to/leave from this station, LOL.

  3. Kayce -

    Although they have now started to build one, there is NO elevator at 53rd/Lex. Only took them 70 years to get going...

    Oh, and when the escalators don't work, you gotta WALK ALL THOSE STEPS!!


  4. I wish I didn't know that. The photo is amazing, though.

  5. I love that picture. Bet it takes a while to escalate up :o)
