
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Harold Ford - PLEASE GO AWAY

Harold Ford, Jr. comes from a family of Tennessee politicians.  Unfortunately for Mr. Ford, he can't seem to win elections in his home state anymore - so he has set his sights on Kirsten Gillibrand's New York Senate seat.

But Mr. Ford's Blue Dog Democrat conservatism doesn't fly here in New York.  Although he currently appears to be changing his positions to match his new "home" state, we always have Teh YouTubez to remind us who Harold Ford REALLY is.

He was (is?) pro-life/anti-women's right to choose...

Harold Ford was (is?) SO proud of his anti-gay marriage stand while in Tennessee, he decided to highlight it in a campaign ad...

While in the U.S. House of Representatives, Harold Ford was one of only 36 Democrats who voted for a Constitutional amendment banning gay marriage in 2004.  Then he voted to enshrine discrimination into the U.S. Constitution AGAIN in 2006.  You're doing a heckuva job, Fordy!

Note to Harold Ford:  We already have two Democratic Senators in the State of New York.  Why would you challenge one of them - costing the party precious resources which could be used to challenge Republicans?  Why don't you try and run for a Senate seat in a state with two REPUBLICAN Senators?  You know, like TENNESSEE?!?

Even the Obama administration has sent signals to Ford, telling him they are happy with Senator Gillibrand and for Ford to back off. But slimeballs like Harold Ford only think about themselves, and he probabably won't listen.



  1. After all, one state can only support one carpetbagger senator at a time, right?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Dearest Amber -

    Our two current Senators, Gillibrand and Chuck Schumer are lifelong New Yorkers.

    As for our last "carpetbagger" Senator, Hillary Clinton ran for Daniel Patrick Moynihan's seat after he announced his retirement.

    I don't have as much of a problem with Ford being a "carpetbagger" (notice I didn't use that term in my post). My problem with Ford is that he is challenging a sitting DEMOCRATIC U.S. Senator - one that happens to be one a strong supporter of the LGBT community.


  4. That one, Ford's interest in New York, took me by surprise. I'm not sure what is open, or possible, in Tennessee (maybe Joy can tell us) but I agree, this doesn't bode well for the Democrats.

  5. A-men! Great post, David.

    Is that not the most douchebaggy photo of him?

    Saw him at a fundraiser in Nashville a few years ago . . . major ick factor in person.

  6. Given that it looks increasingly like the Republicans are going to gain Senate seats and, therefore, be able to block everything the Administration proposes, the last thing we need is another 'blue dog democrat" in Congress.

  7. I agree with what you said about Ford. That race against Bob Corker was the dirtiest campaign I remember. A Karl Rove operative ran it. I hate Corker. To say that Ford was a way better candidate than he says something. I don't see any Dems winning here the way things are now. The governor is a Dem but not sure the next one will be. Nashville and Memphis usually vote Democratic, but the rest of the state has all those evangelical dumbasses who vote against their own best interest, life-long Reps, and greedy people. We're getting rid of Tanner, Blue Dog Dem, so I wonder who will win that seat. If you look at the numbers, TN isn't an overwhelming majority Red but too much. We need to get rid of the electoral college.

    Actually the race was pretty close with Ford and Corker. I was taken aback to hear that Ford is planning to run in NY. That's just wrong. Glad to hear your impression, Marker, from meeting him in person. I've had that feeling from seeing him on TV. Corker is worse, though.

  8. Harold... this not the right time for you. Clean that record up!

  9. Maybe you should start an anti-Ford PAC!!!
