
Saturday, January 23, 2010

I Know A Bloggie Award-Nominated Blogger!!!!

OK - listen up, BunnyNation.  Our good friend Howard (above right - with musician Aidan James) has been nominated for a "Bloggie" Award!  This is HUGE.

This is not some "I Think You're A Great Friend/Blogger - Pass It On" made-up award - the Bloggies are real.  In fact, The Weblog Awards are the oldest and most prestigious blog awards out there.  They were started ten years ago, way back when blogs were still called "weblogs"! The Bloggies are the Oscars of the blogging world - the winners will be announced at the South By Southwest Interactive Festival in Austin this March.

Anywhore - Howard is an amazing blogger with an amazing music blog - Soundtrack To My Day.  He is also, officially, our Music Editor here at DavidDust - so I couldn't be prouder.

HERE IS WHAT I WANT YOU TO DO:  Go HERE and vote for Soundtrack To My Day.  Note: the page scrolls horizontally, and the Music category is about halfway through.

And while you're there, vote for the person who inspired ME to start blogging - Joe.My.God - for a "Lifetime Achievement" award (toward the end of the long horizontal listing).

At the end of the horizontal scroll, there is a place to fill in your email address and an anti-spam word device before completing the process. A verification email will be sent to the address to finalize the vote. The voting procedure is one vote per email address.

Please VOTEAnd congratulations to Howard for earning this honor. How cool would it be for a Dusty Bunny to win a Bloggie Award?!?!!



  1. Oh how I love me some Howard Baby!!!! going to go and vote right now!


  2. Gona vote now....this is huge.

  3. P.S. - Can I be a big bitch and ask everyone to vote for anyone BUT Perez Hilton in the Best Gossip category??

  4. Thank you so much, Dear David, and everyone else. This is so unexpected and a great honor. Couldn't have done it without you all!

  5. They both have my vote...& next year you may be up for The Arby's Humanitarian Award. Lots o' love from Portland!

  6. He's certainly earned it. I love Soundtrack! Howard always reminds me of some fantastic music I'd forgotten about. GO HOWARD!

  7. Truly a well-deserved nomination! I will definitely go vote. This is a big deal!! Way to go, Howard! Thanks for letting us know, DD!

    Oh yes, Marker! For sure!

  8. That's where I found blogs to read back years ago. I'd click on them and found several I read for a long time. I checked out a few while I was there voting.

  9. Congrats Howard and just voted.
    Thanks for great music memories.

  10. Wow, that's great! Congrats to Howard.
