
Sunday, January 10, 2010

I Was Struck By Lightning As A Kid

A lot of things are going to make sense after you read this next sentence... I was struck by lightning as a kid.

Ok, not really.  Here’s the story ...  I was about 12 or 13 growing up in Central Pennsylvania.  The house we lived in had a family room in the basement – with a side door that led outside.

It was thunder-storming like crazy one hot summer day – and I was by myself at home, talking on the phone with my good friend Fiona.  Just a young gayling chatting with his main hagling for hours and hours - that’s how I rolled.  All of a sudden I got an urge to “check on the storm” - so I opened the door (holding the telephone) and stepped halfway outside.

Here’s the part I don’t remember.  According to Fiona, there was a loud noise followed by no other sounds besides rain and thunder.  Not a peep out of me.  This lasted, she said, for about 5 minutes or so – Fiona remained on the line trying to talk to me.

Here’s what I DO remember.  Waking up … laying on the pavement outside the door – in the rain – with an excruciating ringing in my ear and the telephone receiver laying beside me.  When I figured out where/what/who I was, I let out a blood-curdling scream that rivaled Jamie Lee Curtis in Halloween ... or her mother's shrieks in Psycho.

I stumbled inside and hung up the phone (Fiona heard my whole freak-out).  My ear was RINGING – but I managed to call my mother who was working on the other side of town.  I tearfully blubbered something about being “hit by lighting” – and Mama Bunny high-tailed it out of work and back home.

By the time she got to the house, I was fine.  The ear-ringing had died down – and I didn’t have any other physical symptoms of anything.  In fact, Mom didn’t even take me to the hospital or doctor.  She probably gave me a Bayer aspirin, a hug, and a Little Debbie Oatmeal Creme Pie (or three) and I was good to go.  The only thing I suffered from was embarrassment - because the neighbors told my parents they heard a woman screaming hysterically that afternoon.  Yes, that "woman" was me.

I’m still not quite sure what really happened.  Lightening didn’t actually strike the phone line, because we never lost phone service.  But something (lightning?) caused me to pass out and caused my ear to ring.

As a result of this incident, I was hoping to turn into some kind of superhero with freaky powers, something like “Lightening Boy” or “Electra Woman and Dyna Girl”.  Fiona could have been my Dyna Girl.

But, alas, I was still just ME… with no superpowers to speak of.  Unless you count being able to track down Arby's using only my acute sense of smell.


  1. That is freaky that you were knocked out but the phone still worked. Must have been a strike nearby and the pavement was wet.

  2. Yes, explains a lot... bwa-ha-ha!
    The Engineer, as a kid, was running home in a downpour, soaking wet, his mother watched as a lightning bolt hit right behind him, when he got in the door the back half of him was dry and toasty warm.
    We decided it explains a lot about The Engineer.

  3. Wow, scary! I'm so glad you weren't seriously hurt...and I have to say that you had me giggling with your woman-scream. :D XOXO

  4. Funny and also scary at the same time! The part about the super-powers and screaming like a woman was funny!

  5. that IS a super power Tranny!!!! IT IS!!!!

    and i'm sorry, but I laughed through this whole post, cuz I can just hear you screaming like a girl!!!!!

    I love ya!!!


  6. Oh my GAWD! I am laughing so hard right now and when I tried to explain to Katie, she thought I was the worst person in the world. (Until she read it and laughed as well.)

    Maybe your super power was a womanly scream?

  7. I had a classmate get hit by lightening while he was on summer vacation in between our ninth and tenth grades in school-he was kissing his girlfriend in a farm field, the lightning killed her instantly and knocked him out, he spent the next year recovering-learning how to walk again, etc etc..his personality changed too, he went from a cocky jock to a quiet friendly guy when he came back a grade below where he was the year before...glad you didn't get hit!

  8. Mame, I never knew that! Hell the final piece to the puzzle! Now it all falls in place and explains alot!!!!!

  9. Little Debbies creme filled oatmeal treats. OMG! I will fuck you up over some Lil deb's
    I'm a swiss cake roll kinda ho though.
    Oh what else was in your post? Something about watching the Electric Company?Me too.

  10. "The only thing I suffered from was embarrassment - because the neighbors told my parents they heard a woman screaming hysterically that afternoon. Yes, that "woman" was me." OMG LOL

  11. That was scary and hilarious all at once. Being knocked out and having ringing ears is bad but thank goodness wasn't worse. Super powers and the scream had me literally laughing out loud.


  12. Great story!! I LOL'd over "Yes, that "woman" was me." :-)
