
Thursday, January 7, 2010

Lady GaGa on Launch My Line

Did anyone watch Launch My Line last night?  Please bear with me while I put my biatchpants on...

First of all, GaGa wasn't even part of the challenge - she showed up and ate nibbly things and sipped wine AFTER everyone had received their instructions.  It was nice to see her - but GaGa could have at least introduced the challenge or been a guest judge.

I am NOT sad to see the Passive-Agressive Olympic champions (Marilyn and Coco - above) go home.  Their bickering was so tiresome.

Finally, I don't understand the appeal of the The Wonder Twins - Dan and Dean (above) at all.  If anything, they creep me out - although I'm not  quite sure why.  And it annoyed me to no end that they constantly pronounced "Marilyn" as "Merlin".  Maybe they had another Bravo fashion reality show contestant on the brain...


  1. I was surprised how under used Lady GaGa was too. What was even the point of her being on? Not even a guest judge?!

    I don't think Marilyn should have gone (although the bickering was old). Her clothes were wearable.

    The twins freak me out too. They know their stuff, but something is off with them. By the end of the season maybe we'll figure it out!

  2. Should have had waaaaaay more Lady Gaga. I wonder if they had to squeeze her in because of her demanding schedule?
    Also - signature pieces? over the top? - a very poor showing in my estimation.
    That red patent leather fabric would have made an amazing Lady Gaga-esce head dress, hat, crowning glory type of show stopper. Thinking back to the wonderfulness of Chris March and ChristianS.and what they would have done.

  3. Well, I figured it would end up just being the gimmick it was, so I didn't bother to watch.

    I don't follow this show because of the weirdness of D^2. They need to stop dressing like teen-aged hustlers.

  4. Yeah, she was underused and used too late. She really should have introduced the entire challenge.

    Having a guest star that basically does a walk on so they can use the star to promote the show is a trick PR started a few seasons ago.

  5. i agree w/ you about gaga's part in the show. i was like "ooooh, they just needed press, so they contrived some way to put her on the show rather than have her actually be a part of something." i was floored when she wasn't even at the show. such a mess.

    but it was fun watching it w/ you & @hrstump via twitter, LOL. that was def the highlight of the show for me.

  6. Brent -

    LOL! Maybe that's it, it's the hustler outfits on the teeny tiny 40-something twins!


  7. Kayce -

    I must say, watching shows that annoy me is much better if I log onto the Twatter. And it's even BETTER if I'm drunk - which, unfortunately, I wasn't last night.


  8. what kind of a Gay Lover am I? I've NEVER seent his show! I know! I know!!!! SHAME ON ME!!!~! But I knew they wouldn't use GaGa to her full I guess I didn't miss much, right?

    But I AM waiting breathlessly for PR.....God, please let it be a good one!


  9. She was definitely underused. And those two guys sound like that Rene Fris guy from Shear Genius.

  10. I've never seen the show, but I'm a little weirded out by the picture of Wonder twins. I miss cable TV.

    They had a golden opportunity with Gaga. How sad that they squandered it.

  11. I tuned in late and completely missed GaGa. And you are SO RIGHT about those creepy twins. I don't like them either; not one little bit. I have the way they talk, for one. I mean, not to talk smack about my brethren, but talk so feminine they practically have vaginas. I won't watch this series just because of them.

  12. I know exactly why those twins creep me out: They look like little wooden marionettes with heads too big for their bodies and they speak as though they've been huffing helium. They're the creepiest set of twins since Nancy Grace's!

  13. Please don't mention the name Merlin!!!!!!!!! It's as bad as Cecil!!

  14. I HATE d2rd... don't get their popularity at all. They (and an impending Mardi Gras Ball) prevented me from even watching LML...
