
Monday, January 18, 2010

Martha Coakley for U.S. Senate

This is SERIOUS people - according to the latest polls, Ted Kennedy's U.S. Senate seat could go to a REPUBLICAN in tomorrow's special election.  And a real slimy Republican to boot.

Daily Kos reports the latest polling from PPP, and it's not looking good...

Martha Coakley 46% 
Scott Brown 51% 

THIS IS IMPORTANT: If you live in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, PLEASE vote for Martha Coakley tomorrow.  And make sure your friends do as well.

Do it for Teddy...


  1. This would be almost unimaginable..a Repugnican following the Lion of the Senate. As others have noted, this will depend on independent voters and am so hoping his legacy will be honored with the election of Martha.

  2. The prospects of loosing that seat to a republican are too dark to ponder. Could the people of Massachusetts repay the legacy of Ted Kennedy by voting republican when the stakes for healthcare reform are so high? Massachusetts changed their process for filling an empty senate seat when Mitt Romney was governor so that he could not appoint a republican. That move may come back to bite us all in the ass.

  3. I would hate for the GOP canidate to win, particularly now that I checked out the link provided, but ol' Martha ran a 'come from ahead' campaign...
