
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Mikey V Wants His Cop Job Back

Long-time DavidDust readers should remember Michael Verdugo (A.K.A. "Mikey V"), a gay cop who appeared on the third season of HGTV's Design Star.  During the season it was learned that Mikey made a 15 minute cameo in a ... cough, cough ... "Gay Independent Film".  Because of this youthful transgression, Verdugo was suspended from his police job, and was disinvited to Design Star's Season Three Finale show.

But now Verdugo is suing to get back on the police force - saying that his sexual orientation was the reason behind his firing, that if a straight male cop appeared in a straight film "his police buddies would be high-fiving him in the hallway".  For more details of the lawsuit, go HERE.

On a personal note, I got the chance to interview Mikey during the kerfuffle (see the interview HERE), and he was the nicest guy in the world.  Not many reality show people were paying attention to my little blog back in 2008, but Mikey V was - and he cared about what you all thought about him.  So I know I'm being biased, but I wish him well and hope he has success with the lawsuit.

And if he ever wants to chat again, he knows how to reach me ...

You can check out Mikey V's website HERE.


  1. You've received an award!

  2. I hope everything turns out for the best. He's still so cute.

  3. Seems a little screwed up the network would use an ancient and limited release porn to get rid of someone... so lame.

    And it is true about the police dept... if he were caught in a hetero film, he'd be a legend.

  4. I hope he wins! he is SOOOOO right! And God knows Miss Ginger hates a nasty kerfuffle!

  5. He's exactly right. If he were straight and had been in a porn film, his colleagues would have congratulation the 'stud'. Best of luck to Mikey V!!
