
Monday, January 4, 2010

True Confessions...

I watched Frank The Entertainer in a Basement Affair last night on VH1 - mostly because I think Frank is hot.  But if Frank is 31 years old (as he claims), then I'm 17.

A Basement Affair is your typical VH1 trashfest.  Frank "The Entertainer" appeared previously on such Emmy award-winning programs as I Love New York, I Love Money, and I Love Money 2.  And since Frank didn't win any of the prize money on those shows, he still lives in his parents basement.  Along with his beautiful C * CK ...

Anywhore, A Basement Affair invited 15 rocket scientists  chaste maidens  tri-state area Ho's to come live with Frank and his parents, while Frank searches for "that special lady".  For added entertainment, his loud Mama is there to help, and she is a TRIP...

Anyone else out there willing to admit they watched?!?...


  1. My dear, sometimes I worry about your trash television addiction!

    It's a shame that someone as attractive as him can turn out to be such a worthless piece of shit! He could make a lot more money dancing on the bar at the Urges than he does LOSING all of the reality fucktard festivals he insists on joining! Then maybe he could get a proper apartment in Jersey City with 6 of his best friends from "da gym". Now, that might be a reality show worth watching!

  2. I wish I could watch it... :( And by "it" I mean "him" :D

  3. I didn't watch it, but I do think Frank is HOT

  4. He is really claiming to be 31 years old? Get out! If Frank is 31, then he has been doing some HARD living... :)

  5. Paul - YES, he totally claims to be 31. During the show, one of the women revealed that she was 34 or 35, and Frank became concerned because he doesn't usually date "older women".

    I almost spit out my Diet Dr. Pepper onto the TV ...


  6. Haven't seen the show and won't bother because I am an "older woman" who prefers looking at younger men. This tool looks the same age as his Ma.

  7. He does look the same age as his mother.
