
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Last Night On Lost - WTF?!?

If anyone has a clue as to what happened on last night's Lost, feel free to leave it in the Comments.  'Cause I was one CONFUSED Bunny ...


  1. To be truthful, I recorded it and am going to have to go back and watch it again because I was just as confused as you were. Of course, I'd had a couple of cocktails, which is never a good idea before watching that show. You might want to go the later today and look at their Lost Dueling Analyses. I usually find it helps me figure out WTF.

  2. MCWolfe -

    Thanks for the recommendation - I will def. check out the Wash. Post analyses.


  3. I will check that site, too, because I have no idea what they're doing on there. Locke as the Smoke Monster, the Chosen Ones or whatever they're called, and all that! The side flashes are interesting.
