
Monday, March 29, 2010

Monday Weigh In - You're Not Going To Believe This...

As many of you know, on Thursday I WENT BACK ON THE LOW-CARB DIET I’ve had success with in the past.  I also started walking again (5 miles last week) and I even did 30 minutes of aerobic exercise at home yesterday.

I must say I'm quite pleased with the results - 10 lbs. lost since Thursdayyeah me!!  Now I’ve been down this road (many times) before, so I know the first week is always the easiest week to lose weight.  These results are in no way astonishing or abnormal for me - and, trust me, when you are as big as me it doesn’t take much to drop 10 pounds.  But I am still happier than Oprah in a biscuit factory over the results so far.

My first goal is to lose 10% of my total weight (as of Thursday) – which would be 29 lbs (do the math – it’s not pretty).  So in the first 4 days I am already 1/3rd of the way to my first goal.  Yeah Me!!

Thanks to all of you for your encouragement – it really helps.  I must say that doing this “publicly” makes me think twice before reaching for a Big Mac.

In non-diet-related news, this is how I spent my weekend…

Dust Bunnies Mrs.  Alaineous and her hubby Mr. Mischief send me the boxed set of the original Star Wars trilogy!  They no longer wanted it, so they mailed it to me – along with a hysterical “National Smell My Hand Day” postcard.  It was wonderful spending the weekend in “A galaxy far, far away…”.  Thank you Mrs. A and Mr. M!!!!!

So ... how was YOUR weekend??


  1. Yay - that's great! Keep up the good work. On the diet, not the hand thing....


  2. That's just great! Very proud of you! I have a long list of why it is important to lose weight (boring things like I'll live longer...) and I'm going to add 'David is!'

  3. That's great news, David! Keep it up!

  4. Yeah you! Keep it up and if you have one bad meal or skip a walk don't let it stop you and just get back on track!

  5. Excellent, both on the weight loss and the movies :o) I had to work all weekend :o(

  6. Tranny,....I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!!!! you can do this boy!!!! I know you can, just stick with it.

    I LOVE you!!!!!

  7. Brava!
    Keep up the brazilliant work!


  8. Good job. FYI, I started walking the dog 3-5 miles a day. I've slimmed down a lot more than when I only did yoga.

  9. Hooray. you are awesome and inspiring.


  10. AWESOME JOB my dear friend DAVID!! I'm very proud of you! I will be your cheerleader on the west coast!!
    Besitos all the way from California.
    Eric Judd.

  11. Glad you enjoyed the movies and postcard Dave, and congrats on your weight loss! I weigh 165-the same I did 5 years ago when I stopped working out, which means I replaced the muscle with fat...I need to get on the exercise and health bandwagon myself so i can be around for Miss A for a very very long time :)

  12. I am really really excited for you. Just got back from a cruise. Lots of buffets...need a new diet as well. jumping on board with you this week. Keep up the good work my friend.

  13. woo hoo! now smell my hand!!!!


  14. Congrats! I love and adore you!

  15. Congrats! I've done low carb before too with success & the key is if you (like me) find you can't live the rest of your life low carb, find another lifetime eating plan after you've lost the weight. Don't do what I did and just keep eating the low carb quantities after you start eating pasta again! Go DD!
