
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Parents of Gay Teen Kick Him Out

Earlier in the week, many bloggers wrote about Derrick Martin (above) - the gay Georgia high school student who got school permission to take a male date to prom.  It was a "feel-good" story, especially after the whole Constance McMillen prom-cancelling fiasco.

Unfortunately, as happens way to often in real life, Derricks parents kicked him out of their house after this came to light - according to Towleroad.  So much for the "feel-good story of the week" ...

How can Derrick's parents NOT be proud of him?!?  Not only does Derrick tutor at-risk elementary and middle school students after school - he has earned a full scholarship to college.  His parents should be ashamed of their small-mindedness.


  1. The mind boggles. What a rotten thing to do.

  2. And you know that if he had taken a gun and killed someone his family would still profess their love and support of him. I really hate humans sometimes.

  3. Yes--Shame On Them!! Very sad.

  4. Hmm, let's see what they do when he gets college sponsorship and/or a job offer from someone - like Constance did. Narrow-minded bigots can often be swayed by the thought of cash.

    In any event I hope he tells them where they can shove their bigotry and goes on to lead a happy and well adjusted life without them holding him back.

  5. hopefully something good will come from this

  6. Just rotten. I could never in a million years kick one of my kids out for being anything other than a serial killer with less charm than Dexter... seriously, its that whole since when did hate become a family value.

    Our job as parents it so support and love our kids- gay/straight, transgender, etc.
