
Friday, April 23, 2010

Constant Carb Craving - Sugar Cookies

While walking home last night, I saw this awning in Chelsea.  My immediate reaction was, "OMG - a store that sells nothing but Sugar Cookies!  I am sooooooo there...".

Sweets/pastry/baked goods/desserts don't do much for me.  If I'm going to cheat on my low-carb diet, it's going to be at a fast food restaurant or a greasy diner.  I like fried junk foods (and delicious Arby's roast beef), not sweets.  One of the reasons is the fact that I hate "chocolate" as a flavor ... as in cookies, cakes, shakes, milk, etc.  I only like white baked goods (Does this me a 'Cookie Racist'??).  For my birthday I always wanted a white cake with white icing, and Angel Food Cake is another fave of mine.  But Sugar Cookies and I have had a truly special bond, ever since college when I discovered Archway...

So I walked closer to the store, my mouth literally watering at the thought of unlimited Sugar Cookies at my disposal.  Cheating on my diet was/is bad, but a lovely cookie (or three) sounded really good at that moment..

Finally, I got right in front of the store and looked inside...

Yes, my darling DustBunnies - Sugar Cookies sells WOMEN'S LINGERIE!!!!!  I was SOOOOOOOOOO upset...

Especially since they didn't carry my size.


  1. I laughed so hard reading this my morning coffee came out my nose!!!!

  2. You "hate" chocolate? That's a pretty strong emotion for a flavor,isn't it? :)


  3. What a disappointment for you! Naked Chocolate Cafe was not one at all for me, though! Memories!

    Cookie racist! Love it! We know what that makes me - a Chocolate Size Queen!

  4. You mentioned this a couple times via twitter or on the blogger page and I thought to mineself - noooooo! I'm not going there!!! But my will power is strongest in the mornings so today I clicked. lololololol!!! Hangeth in there. (Am also very very restricted on carbs right now - due to bs issues)

  5. Wasn't SUGAR COOKIES your nickname in High School, David?

  6. A double disappointment! XOXO

  7. Last night I had a dream I was walking down the street and I saw an Arby's and I felt the compelling need to stop for a roast beef sandwich!!!

  8. WGB - I'm sorry I caused a mess!

    Minx - Yes, I HATE chocolate-flavored crap. However, I LOVE milk chocolate. Go figure.

    Joy - LOL! You and me both (but for different reasons!).

    Froggy - I'm sending carb-resisting vibes your way.

    Stephen - No, my nickname in H.S. was "Sugar Tits". :)

    Beth - I STILL have a case of the saddz...

    Marvin - I think I had the same dream!!!!

  9. HYSTERICAL!!! I"m surprised you didn't grab those skinny bitches hostage for some 'suga cookies'!

  10. Drake -

    I wanted to ... TRUST.


  11. Now Mame, this is a out and out lie!!!! You do eat sweets. Who the hell else ate all the damn sandtarts then??? And what about the Stella dr's!

  12. "LOL! You and me both (but for different reasons!)."

    Who says? ;-)
