
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Sick, Tired and Unorganized

I have been sick as a dog for the past week, which is really preventing me from getting myself together so I can move this weekend.  It was so bad yesterday that I left work at noon, came home and slept all day and night.

The ONE interesting thing about me being sick has been the BIZARRE dreams I've been having.  I don't know what they put in CVS cold medicine, but it's trippy...

I recommend it highly.

Here is my plan:  finish packing tonight/all day Friday (taking day off)/all day Saturday.  And then on Sunday I'll try to find a "Man with a Van" to help me move my crap to Queens.

This means that you won't be hearing from me for a few days.  Hopefully the next time I post, I'll be a resident of Astoria, Queens.



  1. awww...feel better Tranny. XOXOX

    It's such a pain in the ass to move...packing and finding someone with a truck...throwing out crap that somehow finds it's way into your life. But I know you can do it! I'm sorry that you're sick tho....

    can't wait to see pix of the new place!

    Get well.


  2. Hangeth in there! Will be thinking good thoughts.

  3. Moving sucks ass, but being sick and having to move is even worse. I'm sorry you don't feel well.

    Good luck this weekend. I'll be saying prayers.

  4. Sorry to hear that, David... call me or text me if anything. Hope you feel better!


  5. Get some rest and dream of Mario Ortiz

  6. I hope you feel better babes and good luck on the move.

  7. Hope you feel better and that the move goes smooth for you and the kitties :)

  8. Best of luck on the move and hope you are feeling better.

  9. Ho, please know if I hadn't started this new job I would be there in a flash! Don't let this moving this get you down, look on the bright side. You will have extra stripper cash from the money you save on rent! I luv u Ho, still(dramtically sad Lionel Richie music playing)
    Tug xoxoxoxo

  10. Get well and get through this! Good luck!!

