
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Back To The Doctor This Morning

You KNOW things are bad if I'm going to the doctor twice in one week.  Considering there was a period of about 10 years when I didn't go to a doctor at all, this is pretty remarkable.

I don't know what's wrong with my lungs/body, but it's starting to make me nervous.  I'll keep you posted.

One more note: I realize I haven't been around Blogland as much as usual, but after work (when I normally blog) all I want to do is sleep.  I was really hoping to figure out the Dish Network at my new apartment so I can watch Top Chef (which premieres tonight).  I was even considering recapping it, but first I need to determine if I'm going to live through the entire season or not.


  1. hey did your move make your allergies act up? that is an entirely possible scenario.

    get well soon we need you!


  2. Dang, David, I hope you get better soon, like immediately. Take it slow and don't overdo it, please, for all of us.

  3. will be anxiously awaiting a report!

  4. twitter won't let me post - but Sam's suggestion of samples is also good.

  5. Maybe you're allergic to Queens. Hope not!
