
Sunday, June 13, 2010

The National Puerto Rican Day Parade

Today is the magical day when Manhattan fills with the unimaginable hotness that is the annual Puerto Rican Day Parade.  Unfortunately I'm not able to enjoy the sights, because my chest/lungs aren't cooperating.  You KNOW it's serious if I'm missing my favorite holiday of the year!

In fact, I'll be calling the doctor tomorrow morning for an earlier appointment (I'm currently scheduled for Wednesday AM).  Because, after all, the ability to breath/move IS pretty important.


  1. seriously? damn, david ~ this weather change is NOT being kind to you! i hope your doc has an earlier available appointment... keep us posted!

  2. Oh, noes! When David isn't on the streets during the High Holy Holidays I worry!

  3. Get better, and hold your own day of celebration soon!

  4. Sorry to hear you're under the weather. Your health is far more important than hot papis.


  5. Oh no! Do you have a history of asthma? I'm worried about you DD! You have had a lot of stress lately! Please take care of yourself!

  6. Ginger -

    Yes, I had asthma when I was a kid. I'm sure this breathing trauma was brought on by all the breathing of dust/dirt/cat hair in my old apartment while packing up 15 years of crap. And, trust me, some of that stuff hadn't been cleaned in 15 years either.


  7. Man, that has to suck. This is a great day to celebrate. But get better and get some rest
