
Friday, July 9, 2010

Am I The Only One Who Doesn't Care?

I could give a fig about where Lebron James plays next season - but apparently I'm the only one.  Anyone else baffled by all the hoopla??

OMG: HOOP-la ... get it?!?  Thank you ladies and gentlemen, I'll be here all week...


  1. Can you just imagine if he doesn't live up to all the hype?

  2. I don't care either, but then I don't follow the volleyball.


  3. LOL at Bob. I LOVE volleyball, but I don't follow athletes named after defunct Chrysler models!

  4. OMG - I am soo glad he is not coming to Chicago! Thrilled! Miami can have him and be just as dissapointed as Cleveland was!

    Oh, I guess that means I have been following it. :)

  5. I could care less about footsetball, or whatever the hell it is, or pretending to be. Andy Borowitz hit the nail on the head when he said millions of people watched a rich guy accept another multi-million dollar job. WTF?

  6. Should I try the veal??
    And're not the only one who doesn't care. I am nauseated at all of the press coverage about yet another multi-million dollar GAME player when there are more serious issues on the table.

  7. i don't give a shit, either... i'm just glad he's decided so everyone (else) can stfu LOL.

  8. Who?

    I could not care less where this dude winds up. Why is he so famous?

  9. If y'all think you hear ALOT of LeBum Shames "press" Living in Cleveland, it's almost non stop...the big thing about him leaving to alot of Clevelanders, has very little to do with the sport...but his "claims" of loyalty, hometown pride etc etc...I know, stuff, that alot of us gay men do not hold of high importance. I am just glad it's over and the world can continue to turn the way it did before all this BS....

  10. if he took his clothes off, then I would care

  11. Would not be possible for me to care any less.

  12. I know I'm a little late to this party, but I tried desperately to ignore the news at the time, and was thoroughly offended by the way he chose to make his announcement. Am I surprised? Hell no; he checked out during the NBA playoffs, so I knew he was going somewhere else. I was surprised that he didn't go to New York (hence the media attention in your neck of the woods). He never wanted to stay in Cleveland, and he made that clear to those who wanted to hear the message.

    But as a proud Cavs fan, my loyalty is with my team, and I am glad that this is over. The media circus made it difficult for those who didn't care to avoid it.

    I know you didn't care, but I cared more than I thought, and wanted to say my piece before returning to my MIA status.
