
Saturday, July 10, 2010

Catching Up On True Blood

Yesterday I finally got caught up with True Blood and I got my first glimpse of werewolf Alcide Herveaux (above) - played by the über-sexy Joe Manganiello (see a previous post HERE).  Oh ... Em ... Gee - that werewolf makes ME want to howl at the moon.

Is anybody else watching True Blood this season??


  1. Im about done with Season 2 as we dont have cable...I am ok with the DVDs as then I can watch a bunch--but I do here al the hoopla about season 3 and it so makes me wanna see it too!

  2. Oh most defiantly honey....we luv the True Blood and we luv some Joe!

  3. I am. HBO is the only premium channel I get. Glad to see you have TV access again!

  4. I don't get HBO but saw it for the first time on my cale menu...maybe repeats. I passed it by, ut next time I won't.
    does this mean you are home now...and a thriving body again? yayxoxoxo Charlie

  5. CHINGA! Holy crap, he's some kinda fine. I have to wait for the DVDs and this is going to make the wait that much harder!
