
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Fellow Facebook Haters: I Have Sinned Against You!

Many of you know that I'm NOT a fan of the BookFace - I always say that if someone wants to get in touch with me, they have my telephone number (or email address).  Besides, maybe we've lost touch for a reason - like the fact that I haven't wanted to talk to you since 1985. Therefore I spend very little time on the Evil Facebook.

However, on Sunday I found myself spending an inordinate amount of time on BookFace - after I discovered how many of my cousins can be found there.

I have 7 cousins on my Dad's side, and 8 cousins on my Mom's side - and I'm not particularly close with any of them (with the exception of my youngest cousin Mollie).  But unlike old friends you don't feel like talking to anymore, cousins are family and I would actually LIKE to stay in better contact with them.  So after one of my PA cousins friended me, I went on a cousin-finding crusade and located many of them.

And I have to tell you, it wasn't horrible.  But this DOESN'T mean I will help you get a new cow for your sorry-ass farm - don't even try it...


  1. Yes, I was amazed at how many relatives I ran into. Love it for that. Block all the games.

  2. lies bitch, lies! you used to hate gaga, too, LOL.

  3. Kayce - I have no idea what you're talking about...


