
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Glen Beck Has Glamorous Supporters

You will gag when you see all this glamour (pronounced "gla-MOOR") - if not, you'll DEFINITELY gag at the thought of Glenn Beck running for president...


  1. Yeah, I'm gagging. I'm also fighting the urge to find this woman and bitch slap some sense (fashion or common) into her. That eye makeup is going to give me nightmares.

  2. As a Brit I have no knowledge of Glen Beck. However, if this messed up idiot is supporting him I'm gonna put myself out on a limb and say by comparison Bush will have looked to be a rational, reasonable President?

    Does Beck push the buttons of the webbed-feet sister-marrying kind?

  3. Nitrox -

    Consider yourself extremely lucky to be unfamiliar with Glen Beck. But if you ever have a moment and need a laugh (or a good cry) look him up on YouTube.

