
Monday, July 12, 2010

Tom Colicchio To Ride On Bear Float For 2011 LA Pride

From Eater:
Chef and Top Chef judge Tom Colicchio is a big gay hypermasculine icon, especially popular with the bears, so much so that he's apparently agreed to ride on a bear float in next year's Los Angeles Pride parade, reports the Dallas Voice.
Colicchio told them, "I was on Andy Cohen's show on Bravo [Watch What Happens] and said I was mad at the bear community: The gay Pride parade was going on, and no one had asked me to be on a float." Soon thereafter, the show was flooded with phone calls, including the editor of A Bear's Life magazine who helped set it all up.
BTW - Colicchio is straight. Via Towleroad


  1. I don't watch his show so I have ignorance on my side. Isn't he straight? If so then kudos to him for supporting our community.

  2. I loves him. He's hair challenged just like The Engineer.
