
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Are You Gonna Eat That? ...

Healthwise, things are going great for me and my viral load is now at "undetectable" levels. The lab STILL hasn't sent over my CD4/T-Cell counts - but they are expected to have improved exponentially from the 34 lonely T-Cells I had while in the hospital just 3 months ago (for background on this - go HERE).

Yet with all this good health, that old demon - my weight - has reared its ugly head again. I've been gaining these past few weeks, mainly because I seem to be hungry ALL the time. And soup and vegetables and salads just don't seem to cut it.

Furthermore, this hunger seems different than before. In the past I would eat when I was bored or depressed or happy or whatever. Now, I'm simply HONGRAY. I don't know if I'm just imagining it, but I don't ever remember having an appetite like this. And I've ALWAYS been a hungry little biatch.

I must do something soon, or I'll be back to wearing my REALLY fat clothes before too long.


  1. this is probably a good sign! muscle burns calories, and increases your metabolism, so it makes sense that you'd be hungry as a damned tiger! :)

    but as far as curing the problem, i don't know what to tell you, other than DON'T go back to eating the take-out, etc. i mean, a big part of changing my diet was doing so that i could eat the massive portions my fat ass likes while still losing weight, LMAO. so i can commiserate when you say that salads, etc., aren't cutting it... i would suggest finding some really filling things that are in the middle ground: not skinny-minny stuff, but not fast food either. of course more lean protein (even though i'm sure you're eating quite a bit of it already) and add back in some complex carbs, even if it's just whole grain bread. (quinoa, brown rice, or whole wheat couscous would be better, but i can feel your "whatchu talkin' bout kayce?" look from here LMAO.) i think i remember you saying you already upped your number of meals per day, which would've been my only other piece of advice.

    i'm happy to hear that you are doing so amazingly well health-wise, and if your weight is your biggest worry, than i'm happy as can be! :) <3

  2. During my sinus surgery I lost weight too, in fact it was about 10-15 pounds. Unfortunately I've gained almost all of it back. I, too, am hungry all the time. I eat and an hour later I'm hungry again. So I feel your pain!

  3. Loves to hear the good news.

    I know about the HUNGER. I try and beat it back with three hug gulps of water and some almonds.


  4. I happy to hear the good news but am concerned that you still haven't gotten your Tcell count - it should come back at the same time as your VL.

    The hunger could be a side effect of your meds. has a great breakdown of meds - what they do, side effects, etc.

  5. I don't know if I am going to make any sense... but I would take it as a sign that your body is growing stronger. I remember how sickly folks looked when they first contracted HIV and now, look at Magic Johnson!

    Maybe the medicine working needs fuel... would also be a great excuse to start a good workout program. An hour a day and the food will be burned off as fast as you eat.

  6. Great news about your counts!! I'm so glad you're making so much progress and are feeling better.
