
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Real Live Snakes In The Plumbing!

What is going on in NYC? First they locate and apprehend a real sewer alligator in my Queens neighborhood, and then a Bronx man finds a 3-foot-long Corn Snake relaxing on his toilet seat!

According to the New York Daily News, Corn Snakes are fairly docile and nonvenomous. But the newspaper also stated that the snake probably entered the apartment via the plumbing! Another Urban Myth turns out to be true, making me consider moving out to the country where the most dangerous things are Teabaggers.

Oy ... I'm going to have a hard time relaxing in the john for a while. Maybe I'll just concentrate on this picture of NYPD Officer Carlos Hotpapi showing off his enormous snake. Look at the size of his snake ... and how it just dangles there. Wow ... I wonder if Officer Hotpapi needs any help with that big thing? ...

Gee, I feel better already.


  1. You know what the problem is: The more we destroy their land, the more they're going to eventually wind up on "ours."

    I've had a few exotic creatures show up at around my home; no alligators or snakes. At least that I know of.

    Insert mandatory L O L here.

  2. I really like Officer HotPapi's huge snake....very very nice indeed.

    But AACCCKKKKK!!!! when I sit down on the terlit...i expect things to come OUT...not go IN!!! yikes! XOXOXOX

  3. And what would you do when you find a 'trouser-snake' sitting on your toilet seat?! ;)

  4. Okay, I'm stopping at SNAKE! SNAKE! SNAKE! I have a bad history of making an idiot out of myself with snakes.

  5. And, supposedely, the plumbing is a frequent method of ingress for rodents. Ick.

  6. OMG!! I'm calling my maw-maw to borrow her bed pan because in the words of the Great Beyonce, "I'll be damned if I see [a snake in my toilet]"
    ...That sounded hilarious in my head but now that I'm looking at it, not so funny.

  7. OMG- gators, snakes, and bedbugs! I'm not coming to visit you... i'll send you the plane ticket and you can come visit me... and my teabagging neighbors!!
