
Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Fashion NO Returns

Bravo has decided to give The Fashion Show (which is referred to around here as "The Fashion NO") another try after a HORRIBLE Season One. Thankfully, they've gotten rid of one of the big negatives from last time, Kelly Rowland, and replaced her with none other than the legendary Iman!

I think this is a brilliant move, even though there is something absolutely terrifying about Iman. She is other-worldly beautiful, and yet looks as if she could reduce Naomi Campbell to tears with nothing but an eye flick. Miss Bitchypants Isaac Mizrahi better mind his P's and Q's, lest he find himself at the bottom of the Hudson River - his hands and feet bound with Christian Dior haute couture gowns.

Actually, Isaac DOES look askeered standing next to Iman. BE AFRAID Isaac ... be VERY afraid ...

More information on The Fashion NO - Season 2 HERE.


  1. If we can't have Project Runway on all the time I'm willing to try The Fashion No again. They so need their own version of Tim Gunn - but also realize there is no other version of Tim Gunn out there excepting for the original. I do think some of the alums of PR might do - NickV., Anthony, Robert, Peach, Chris March (but he's already taken, bwa-ha-ha!).

    Question - will Heidi be wearing ChristianS. tonight in honor of CS being the guest judge? (And yes, I have waaaaay too much time on my hands, I need some stimulus money for my job!)

  2. I loves me some Iman, so I'll be watching.
    In Tim Gunn's book, he tells the story of Isaac Mizrahi:
    "In my view, he's one of the world's biggest divas.
    One time, Isaac threw a fit about a security guard from the second-floor showroom at Liz Claiborne Inc.'s Times Square offices. Why, you may ask? Was he stealing? Harassing guests? Showing up late? No, he was wearing brown."

    I loves me a diva.

  3. I missed Fashion No last season. what was wrong with Ms. Roland? Too nice?

  4. The best thing about "The Fashion No" was your recaps- I hope they will be returning!
