
Monday, October 4, 2010

How Many NOMo's Does It Take To Screw In A Lightbulb?

How many NOM (National Organization for Marriage) supporters does it take to screw in a lightbulb:
  • None, god already did it in Genesis when he said “Let there be light”. Besides, lightbulbs are a product of science, and therefore satanic.
  • None, we aren’t small enough to fit inside a lightbulb, and screwing outside of marriage is wrong.
  • Two - and they must be a man & a woman. If they are a same sex couple, the light bulb and the Universe will explode.
  • None…if we all pray hard enough the light bulb will see the error of it’s ways and change itself.
  • Only a clear majority of seven million Californians have the constitutional right to change the light bulb.


  1. None. As NOM would like to go back to the Dark Ages when marriage was two goats, a donkey and a woman we won't need light.

  2. The jokes are funny but the pathetic truth behind them makes me so sad.

  3. I have a friend that does work here and there for a neighbor to pay the bills, despite said neighbor believing the Earth is a few thousand years old and the rest of the views that go along with those same thoughts-a bitter pill for him to swallow, but he just smiles, shakes his head to himself, and pays his bills until things pick up.

  4. Love this! Too sad but true.
