
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

John Mellencamp to NOM: Stop Using "Pink Houses" to Promote Hate!

A great story from the good people at Prop 8 Trial Tracker. It seems that the bigots of NOM have been using John (he'll always be 'Cougar' to me) Mellencamp's song, Pink Houses at their sparsely attended rallies. When he learned this not-so-surprising news, Mellencamp (through his publicist) sent NOM the following message (partially reprinted):
I am getting in touch with you on behalf of my client John Mellencamp who has become aware that his music (“Pink Houses”) has been used at events sponsored by your organization. Please be aware that Mr. Mellencamp’s views on same sex marriage and equal rights for people of all sexual orientations are at odds with NOM’s stated agenda.
We would encourage you to find music from a source more in harmony with your views than Mr. Mellencamp in the future.

Thank you Mr. Mellencamp for being a stand-up guy.



  1. I've always been a huge fan of John (still Cougar to me as well) Mellencamp. I'm glad he's speaking out about those morons using his music.

  2. ExCUSE me... it's Johnny Cougar!!!!
