
Friday, October 29, 2010

Last Night On Project Runway - R.I.P.

THIS (below) is apparently 'what's happening in fashion' right now. I just can't ...

Project Runway has been killed by Lifetime and Bunim-Murray, and this post will be the show's final mention on DavidDust. Ever.

In closing - a comment from Twitter:
"Nina: While you put Gretchen in Marie Claire, Anna Wintour will have Mondo in Vogue."


  1. OMG! I can't agree more. Gretchen? Really? At one point during her show I yelled at the top of my lungs, "THAT'S JUST UGLY" Heidi and Jessica could have taken MIchael and Nina out so easily and given the true win to Mondo. If there is a next time, I think a bitch slap is in order.

  2. I could not agree more! That was a travesty. Sure, Mondo has some drawbacks, but clearly PR was forced to sell out to the power of money with Marie Claire. And the whole thing was clearly an anticlimax.

  3. I'm totally with you, David. I've already e-mailed Lifetime and told them I'll never watch the show, and therefore their channel, again. A complete travesty.

  4. I have to laugh at the reactions to Gretchen's winning. I thought the criticisms last night were spot on. Mondo has a gimmick, which he does very well, but that doesn't make him the next great designer. Andy disappointed me - he turned out to be the Santino of the season by putting out a safe final collection that didn't resemble much of what he had made during the season. Gretchen - granny panties aside - is a versatile designer who understands how to use fabric. While the patterns she chose for her final collection did nothing for me, her garments were all very wearable. I'm happy for her.

    Don't be surprised if the Marie Claire/Vogue comment is correct (in a couple of years) and I don't doubt Mondo will find a financial backer and get him to Lincoln Center in the next year.


  5. I had the Project Runway twitter feed up and I'd estimate over 95% of the tweets were along the lines of WTF? and Nooooooo.

  6. thanks for your post helping me get through the grieving process. last night, i exchanged texts with friends and we had similar reactions - a unanimous "we gots to cut someone!" (deep breath, sigh.)

  7. Wow, I just did not see that coming. I honestly feel Mondo is an amazing talent and probably has a lucrative offer in his back pocket. I felt Gretchen should have been eliminated earlier in the season for really hideous versions of the "bo-ho" look. I would have liked to see Michael C. in the finale...but, again, I think he will have a successful career with or without PR. Not sure about watching next season...this season may come back to bite the judges (Kors & Garcia) as it seems they are out of step with the concept of the show.

  8. F Me. Them panties give new meaning to the word BoHO....

  9. Obviously, I decided to watch The Donner Party, followed by Hoover Dam once I saw your posting on Facebook. Thank you for saving my evening.

    My interest in the show has been lagging for years. Gretchen and Ivy's bitchery was over the top. And to give Gretchen the win for diapers and fake riding pants and ugly jewelery by calling the "On Trend," just says they haven't taken a peek into the world of anyone younger than 65.

  10. Dear DD- I TOTALLY agree with you on the whole Lifetime boycott thing- we never wanted to go to that damn channel anyway! And Minxy, dear, I love ya, but I gotta disagree on this one- there is NO fashion credibility at all to Gretchen mallwear from Granola Valley Shopping Center!! Can't wait to see you in those FABULOUS knit bloomers!!!

    PS- all the planners are cutting the orders for Michael Kors' product as we speak!!!

  11. Project Runway's peak was like three years ago! But this and last year was just pure shit! And as far as Anna Wintour go girl, bury Marie Claire!

  12. I am with you, David. I cannot believe that Gretchen won. She was an awful person and her collection was just plain dull and terrible. Didn't Michael C. (who should have been on the final show) get kicked off for the same muted look? Heck, I even thought Andy's collection was better than Gretchen, but without a doubt Mondo should have won. I will never watch the show again as long as it is on Lifetime.

  13. yeah I was amazed she got as far as she did. Her line wasn't horrible, . for target. but this is Project Runway, not project discount store!

    The slogan is: "We're looking for the next great designer." So how did Gretchen win?

    I'm not familiar with Marie Clair, I'm guessing isn't not really high fashion like Vogue is?

  14. yeah I was amazed she got as far as she did. Her line wasn't horrible, . for target. but this is Project Runway, not project discount store!

    The slogan is: "We're looking for the next great designer." So how did Gretchen win?

    I'm not familiar with Marie Clair, I'm guessing isn't not really high fashion like Vogue is?
