
Friday, October 15, 2010

Last Night on Project Runway ...

Random thoughts about last night's show...

  • These 1 1/2-hour episodes are great in the beginning when there are a lot of designers, but they become a big snoozefest at this point in the show. How many times can they have each designer say "I just HAVE to make it to Fashion Week!" ??
  • Every time I think Gwretched might not be all that horrible, she goes and proves that she really IS. "I'm glad I got the same second chance that YOU ALL got" was one of the stankest comments in the history of Project Runway.
  • I agree with TLo - the producers decided who they wanted in the final, and the judges made it happen. Gwretched could have taken a hot steamy dump in Nina Garcia's Prada bag, and she would STILL be going to Fashion Week. The producers know that Gwretched is a controversial "character", whereas April (below) was not. And as we all know, Project Runway has become more about drama than it is about fashion these days.
  • It was great to see Christian/Mango - but I wish he wouldn't have been so damn nice. I wanted him to call out some of the bland "fashion" that walked down the runway last night. I also think it's interesting that he kept talking about the practical aspects of fashion - Who is your customer?; Is it wearable and sell-able?  You can tell our little Mango runs his own fashion company now - and doesn't have much time to create fierceness just for fierceness sake. That fierceness needs to SELL.
  • Finally, here was Swatch's reaction to this entire season ...

What did YOU think about last night's episode??



  1. As usual we agree with everything you said! Interesting to look at April's decoy collection - she's going to do well in the industry. Mondo and Andy are the only ones left standing that really deserve to be in the finale. Since they decided to keep *characters* around I would have preferred Casanova and Peach!

  2. I wanted an April-Andy-Mondo show!
    Siriano bothered me a bit because he praised Mondo on the runway then smacktalked him when Mondo was backstage.
    Don't say you love it, then criticize the dress or styling after.
    And I agree it was decided long ago that Gretchen would make it.....though there's still a chance.

  3. When Gretchen said tat I wanted to slap the fake tears off her wretched face.

    I applaud Mondo for sticking up for Michael C.

    This was the final four from week one.

  4. After this season is done, I'm sadly giving up on this show. If the producers continue to "pick" who they want, what the point having watching the real talent? I just couldn't believe April was sent packing. How did this once lengendary show end up like this?

  5. You covered all the main reactions I had last night. Do we blame Lifetime for ruining it?

    Love you! Love your mind! xoxoxoxox

  6. I've kind of stopped watching. My main TV has died, and I've sort of lost interest in this show. Sad, I know. Please don't revoke my gay card. And my apologies to Mr. Gunn, who is wonderful.

    I DO watch it if I notice it's on and I can't sleep. My new guilty pleasure is Logo's "The A-List", featuring TOTALLY NOT A-gays. Makes me feel better about myself. Again, sad, I know.

  7. First I have to say: I "LOVE" Swatch! I am totally going to break into Mood one night and steal him!!!
    As for April- I had a sad that she lost to Gwretched, but I have to admit that all of her garments did look a bit like Halloween witch costumes. They were GOOD witches, but still...
    And PLEASE, Mondo: will you marry me? I think you are the cutest, sweetest little thang that ever runwayed!

  8. Was there an actual winner this week? Heidi said, “Congratulations! You’re in.”

    She never told anyone that they won.

  9. Sean -

    No, there was no winner - probably because they were all just vying for spots at Fashion Week.


  10. Michael C. goes to Fashion Week! SUCK IT IVY!!!

    Seeing Christian reminded me of what a GREAT season his was. *sigh*

    And stop with all the crying everyone - we all know you're going to be a decoy. You may not be competing for the money, but dang you're getting exposure.
