
Thursday, October 7, 2010

Last Night on Top Chef: Just Desserts - "Crazy Man Down!"

Did anyone watch Top Chef: Just Desserts last night? It started out with TONS of drama, but then ended with a lame whimper. Some random thoughts ...
  • Just when we find out that Batshit Insane Seth Caro has a rockin' body underneath his chef's coat, they go and cover it up with a straightjacket. Not fair! And, like a good Queen, did you notice how Big Gay Zac flirted with a shirtless Seth in the morning, full-knowing the man was clearly insane? Hey ... biceps are biceps, crazy or not.
  • Just how deranged do you have to be to be TOO CRAZY FOR REALITY TELEVISION??? Seriously, this is the genre that gave us Wendy Pepper, Omorosa and Jeff Lewis.
  • Here's my theory - that mysterious lump in Seth's neck finally moved to his brain - causing him to think everyone was out to steal his beloved paper cups...
  • I wonder why they didn't SHOW Seth's freakout, because you know those cameras were rolling. Will they save it for the reunion special?
  • Note to self: Watch reunion special - look for lump in Seth's neck.
  • I think Gail's Boobies are in a contract dispute with Bravo - they aren't making an appearance until Bravo coughs up more Cross-Your-Heart Bra money.
  • What was up with Heather H (below) bitching and moaning after her team WON the challenge?? I've heard of Sore Losers ... but Sore Winners??
  • And, finally, how lame was it that Malika (below) just decided to give up and leave? She could have at least had a nervous breakdown about paper cups and grapefruit juice before insanely bolting from the kitchen in a cloud of dementia. Is that too much to ask??


  1. We were also confused at the missing reality tv gold - Seth melting down into a puddle of buttercream. I can only think that the fear of some legal action ruled the day.

    And HeatherH?! What the hell got into her? She was viciously mean. Snarky I can take but she was acting like a middle school girl, the nastiest version of womankind.

    I can relate to Malika - feeling totally in the wrong place at the wrong time. But the whole ending was sad and abrupt.

    Gail's Girls - a criminal waste of air time!!

  2. Who'da thunk that pastry chefs are the craziest of the chef family?
    I so wanted more of the meltdown, and i so wanted less of heather H, who is apparently running for the newest opening in batshit crazy.

  3. I love this post! You always manage to sum things up hilariously with perfect descriptions! Elizabeth Faulkner faked us off since she doesn't seem at all batshit crazy like these cream puffs are. Baking is occupational therapy? Doesn't work!

  4. It was a seriously odd show. Makes me think sugar really is a drug.
