
Friday, October 8, 2010

Make Your Own "Crap" Logo ...

The crackpot corporate marketing team at the Gap unveiled their new logo this week (above right) - immediately causing abdominal cramps, fecal urgency, diarrhea, and loose bowels in everyone who saw it (WARNING: Please consult with your doctor before viewing this logo). I don't think the new brand emblem is that horrible, but it DOES look like it was created on an iPad by a 5th grade art class.

Since most of us don't have an entire marketing team (or a 5th grade art class with an iPad) working for us, Craplogo was created so you can create your own crappy logos ...

Give it a try HERE



  1. I did and now I feel all official. Will post later today.

  2. Their business has been terrible lately.. one of the few retailers that actually missed their sale projection for 3rd qtr this year. Now their log lacks relevance and style as much as their clothes do!
