
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Tim Gunn - "It Gets Better"

From Dan Savage, the creator of the fantastic "It Gets Better" project:
"Okay, celeb videos have been pouring in over the last 24 hours, and I'm floored and thrilled. But this one made me scream like a little girl".
On a more somber note, national treasure Tim Gunn admits that he too attempted suicide as a gay teenager...

Related: Click HERE to read my dear friend Dan's remarkable story which, sadly, also involves a suicide attempt.



  1. I had read about this in his book. Even before the Project Runway juggernaut hit Tim had made it better and made it work. Loves Tim.

  2. OMG. I'm crying now. But in a good way. If only I could have heard this when I was a "yout". Bless Tim AND Dan Savage!

  3. Tim's video was surprising to me. I would never have thought that someone as strong and composed as Tim Gunn is NOW had contemplated suicide. Kudos to him for sharing his story!

  4. The link to your friends blog should have come with a box of tissues!

    Wow- such an amazing story!

  5. I respect him more and more. I met him a few weeks ago and he was wonderful.
