
Monday, November 22, 2010

Afternoon Nostalgia Break - NKOTBSB

I didn't watch the American Music Awards last night, so I missed the greatest musical collaboration since Peaches & Herb - NewKidsOnTheBlockBackStreetBoysNSync98DegreesOTown!! Or, to make it easier to remember NKONBSBNS98DOT !!!

Since I graduated high school in the 80's and college in 1991, I kinda missed the 90's Boy Band thing. But I do remember discussing my favorite "New Kid" during college with my female friends - and my favorite was Danny Wood...

Now listen up... I don't want any of you H8terz calling Danny mean names like "Neanderthal" "Knuckle-dragger" and/or "Buttaface". Because if you do, I'll be forced to call SA-KURR-A-TEE and have you escorted outta this biatch. Learn it.

Anwhore, here are a bunch of almost-middle-aged guys acting like they still got The Right Stuff (which they totally still do)...


  1. He is very hot and looks like he can handle some business

  2. I couldn't believe I stayed up till 11 pm for that shit. If I wanna see some old ugly ass 40 yr. Old men warbling I coulda went to a bad las vegas show. That was just pure torture. And someone please fire taylor swift's stylist, she look like a reject from ru pauls drag race

  3. Did you see Michael Costello rocking out in the audience at the 5:01 mark? Right behind Ellen Paige in a little white bow tie. So cute!

  4. My hairburner used to live in Boston and swears he had sexytimes with Jonathan Knight . . . and I swear that Jonathan Knight waved at me when I saw them (NKOTB) in concert last year.

    They were actually quite wonderful, and their last album wasn't half bad. Srsly. :)
