
Sunday, November 7, 2010

Elizabeth Edwards Believes In Karma ...

... at least she does NOW. Because the totally 100% always factual National Enquirer reports that Rielle Hunter (above right) has cheated on Babydaddy John Edwards!

Apparently during a recent trip to Hollywood, Rielle "looked up" old friends (with benefits, no doubt) Matt LeBlanc and John Cusack. Once a Ho, always a Ho ...

So I guess all those hours blasting Alanis Morissette's You Oughta Know in the shower have finally paid off for Elizabeth Edwards. Never underestimate the power of The Official Anthem Of Bitter Breakups ...


  1. Instant karma gonna get you! Yeah! Some things are just too good and too sad at the same time. Way to ruin a career, marriage, and life, John, with somebody so not worth it.

  2. To think that this fucking idiot came thisclose to being our president! Gawd.

  3. Soulbrotha -

    I know, right?!? He was my #2 choice, after Hillary - but I'd have been happy if I ended up winning the nomination (just like I was with Obama).

    That is until we found out he couldn't keep Little John in his damn pants!

  4. I didnt even think they were "together!"
