
Monday, November 8, 2010

From The "You Can't Make This Shizz Up" Files

Just spotted on my Feedjit Live Traffic feed:

That's right, someone in Alabama googled "can u kill gay people on a holiday" and found my blog. Oy.



  1. Somebody has too much time on their hands...

  2. OMG! Another crazy found you!

  3. Don't worry. They won't have time to kill any of us. They'll be too busy marrying their sister which, according to THEIR rules, is perfectly acceptable.

  4. I promise that wasn't me....yikes :) Before everyone starts with their stereotypical bullshit, I have one things to say..... Fuck You!

  5. So I tried it and here are some of the other topics:
    "A white person stole my car"
    "EMO is so gay"
    "Megan Fox is a man" and my personal favorite "you know you are a rugger when..."
    I sure Jeebus would have something to say about killing on holidays..but as if they could find us we are at the sales baby!!
