
Friday, November 5, 2010

REMINDER: The Fashion Show Premieres on Tuesday

Just a reminder: The Fashion Show: Ultimate Collection premieres on Tuesday (Nov. 2nd) - and I will be recapping it. It's been a long time since I dished out the reality show snark, and I'm looking forward to putting on my biatchpants again.

Furthermore, after that horrible travesty from last week, I've decided to promote THE HELL out of The Fashion Show. I don't care if the show is bad or if Isaac Mizrahi is annoying - at least The Fashion Show is on Bravo and not on that-network-which-shall-not-be-named-on-this-blog-again.

Seriously, I'm gonna be selling this show like a Funnel Cake vendor at a Weight Watchers convention.

In addition, our friends at Blogging Bravo and Tom & Lorenzo will be blogging about it as well. In fact, Tom & Lorenzo have seen an advanced copy of the first episode and have good things to report - especially about fierce diva Iman. Oh, and apparently Isaac Mizrahi is NOT annoying - at least during episode one.

Watch what happens, biatches...


  1. Issac doesn't have to bee annoying because Iman will be! That biotch works my last diva nerve! But I can't WAIT to see what you do with her butchered bon mots!

  2. So looking forward to this show and David Recaps! It looks like you've got lots of material to work with.

  3. I'm right there with you! Can't wait!
