
Saturday, November 6, 2010

Sign Petition In Support Of Keith Olbermann

As you've probably heard, progressive MSNBC host Keith Olbermann (above) was "suspended indefinitely" yesterday when his MSNBC bosses learned he had made political donations to Democratic candidates. Later, it was reported by Daily Kos that conservative MSNBC asshat host Joe Scarborough (below left) made donations to Republican candidates AND headlined a fundraiser for the Alabama GOP. Furthermore, CNBC host Larry Kudlow (below right) has also contributed to Republicans. Yet Scarborough and Kudlow face no disciplinary action at this time. [UPDATE: According to Rachel Maddow last night, this rule doesn't apply to CNBC]

Like him or not, Keith Olbermann is a much needed progressive voice in the face of the obnoxious cacophony of Fox "News" ConservaTeaTardism. I urge you to SIGN THIS PETITION demanding Olbermann's immediate reinstatement at MSNBC.



  1. i made a comment- note i even used proper capitalization and punctuation...

    "If NBC policy does not specifically prohibit employees from donating to political candidates, then this action is malicious at best. People should not have to have their political views approved by management, nor should they be sanctioned for having an opinion, especially when the rule is not unilaterally applied to ALL within the NBC empire."

  2. So ridiculous. Liberal media my ass. I signed, though I'm not sure how much good it will do.

  3. Already signed and am hoping he will not resign.

  4. Failing to apply the rule to the rightist CNBC is big time hypocrisy. So is the fact that GE and Comcast give tons of money to the Goppers.

  5. This couldn't have anything to do with the fact Keith just released a new book on October 26, could it?
    You can't buy this kind of publicity as any celebrity knows.

  6. word is out that the suspension will end on Tues.

  7. Soulbrotha -

    Yes, I read that also - GOOD NEWS!

