
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Thanksgiving Treats: Cherpumple vs. Turkey Cake

You might want to pop a Zantac or two before reading this. I'm warning you...

Over the weekend, Gothamist did a post about the Cherpumple (above) - the "Turducken of desserts" - a three-layer cake (yellow, spice, white) with a pie baked inside of each layer (cherry, pumpkin, apple). I'm sorry, but "Cherpumple" sounds like the blemishes Cher gets on her (extremely taught) forehead after eating greasy food.

Not to be outdone, The Daily What upped the Thanksgiving "dessert" ante with the Thanksgiving Turkey Cake (above). This "cake" consists of layers of ground turkey, sausage stuffing, mashed potatoes, and cranberry sauce coated with more mashed potatoes, a layer of sweet potatoes, and a cup-and-a-half of mini-marshmallows. Gravy optional.

Question: would any of you try either of these? I would probably prefer the Turkey "cake" over Cher's Pimple since it has stuffing and stuffing is made of awesome. However, I'm going to wait for Arby's to come up with a Thanksgiving Roast Beef Pie with Curly Fry crust and Horsey Sauce whipped cream.


  1. Both made me throw up a little in my mouth.


  2. I'd try the cherpumple thing. Not so much the ground turkey cake. I'm one of those people who doesn't really like my food touching and that's just the extreme version of mashing everything together on the plate.

    And no, desserts don't count in the "food touching" department. :)

  3. dear gawd! Like I need more challenges!!!! I already did my first turket and harvested gravy and broth for the FEAST OF 22!!! Safe in the freezer.

  4. I'm thinking about making both. The Thanksgiving Cake is a nice way to deal with leftovers... however, it is severely lacking in Cranberry Sauce...

    The Cherpumple Cake... That's another story--but then again, butter, sugar, flour: they're always great!

  5. I just gagged a little.

  6. Im all for the Arby's thing.....and the cherpumple thing? Id probably try that. :)

  7. Im a pig, I would truy them both, one right after the other!

  8. i would probably be more likely to try the cake/pie one, but neither looks particularly appetizing!

  9. That stack of pies thing looks disgusting!

  10. I would try both! But I think I would like the cherpumple best. :D

  11. Both are gaggy to me. Could not do it.
