
Thursday, November 4, 2010

This Crime Wave Must Be Stopped!

Don't you hate it when someone sneaks into your home and steals your perfectly good computer hardware and then replaces it with non-working hardware? It happens all the time - and something must be done about it.

Dear Republicans in Congress: Forget healthcare. Forget the deficit (which has already been solved). COMPUTER REPLACING is the number one issue facing Americans today.

Let's make this country great again...


  1. I've been looking for you to post about Just Desserts all day but can't wait any longer. I think Gail looks pregnant!

  2. Hi Sean -

    Unfortunately I was too damn tired to watch last night. But if I'm able to catch it, I'll look for Gail's belly.

    That is, if I'm able to look away from the boobies.


  3. That must be what happened to my laptop! I've been wondering. If you hadn't posted this, I'd have never known!

  4. That must be what happened to my laptop! I've been wondering. If you hadn't posted this, I'd have never known!

    Now I'll have to notice Gail.

  5. That.Is.Hysterical! I work in IT and that is not too far from some of the absurd excuses I hear from people about why they have a virus, or their keyboard is soaked in coffee or whatever. It's always some unknown person who did it!
