
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Well THAT Sucked ...

Nothing like waking up with a hangover and a Republican-controlled House of Representatives. On a brighter note, the Teatards actually prevented Republicans from taking the Senate - O'Dumbbell in DE, Sharon Angle in NV - so thank you Sarah Palin for that.

Feel free to share your thoughts on yesterday's election in the comments section, while I chug another Diet Coke and try get my head to stop throbbing...


  1. They are still counting here. Loves mail in ballots - hates the waiting!!

  2. I just wanted to thank my state (OH) for making me feel like my votes didn't count. Now a bunch of people who I can't stand are going to ruin my state and try to take credit for all the work that the Dems did before them.

    At least my county voted along with me.

  3. CA is celebrating Gov. Brown....really happy "moonbeam" is back. Innovative, creative, smart, political and beholden to no one and whipped that bitch Meg who blew 140 million on a failed campaign. Also, happy we still have Boxer.
    Otherwise, it will an interesting 2 years and the campaign for 2012 starts today!!!

  4. . . . and let's welcome our new Senator from Illinois, Miss Mark Kirk.

    Just what we need - another Republican closet case in the Senate. I'm sure he'll fit right in with Pittypat Graham and Miss McConnell.

  5. i went to bed last night and woke up this morning in retardistan. which is what this country is becoming. these people want us to continue the bush-era tax cuts for the SUPER_RICH? HELLO?????? these people are happy to vote for the SUPER RICH, when they themselves are struggling?

    so sad feingold lost. one of the truly progressive voices in the senate.

  6. and, ok, at least angle and o'donnell lost. even those 2 crazy loonies couldn't fool them all.

    i'm moving to europe.
