
Friday, January 28, 2011

Afternoon Annie Lennox Break - Honestly

One of my all-time favorite CD's is Annie Lennox's Bare (above) - probably because its heart-wrenching tracks were the perfect accompaniment to my life at the time. Back then I was dealing with a horrible job and an insane boss (literally) - as well as a "love interest" who was in-and-out of prison, straight, and an addict.

This song, Honestly, was/is a favorite of mine - the lyrics a reminder of a place I NEVER want to go back to:

Fools like me get so easily taken
And fools like me can be so mistaken



  1. Annie is one of my top all time favorite artists and I think she is simply amazing.

    Her christmas album that she released this year is very much fun - several of the songs are not exactly full of christmas cheer the way she interpreted them.

    hope you are staying warm somehow!

