
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Television Chatter

So I got managed to see some of The Fashion Show last night - and was happy to see Jeffrey win. Didn't see Calvin's collection, but the looks they showed at the end of the episode had me worried that Madame Chiang Kai-BLECK might just win. But Jeffrey managed to create The Ultimate Collection - and the others (including Calvin?!?!!) seemed truly happy for him.

I also managed to catch most of the first episode of RuPaul's Drag Race online. JEEBUS - that show is truly fantabulastical in every way:


And, finally, I tuned into some of the President's State of the Union address last night. It seems that President Obama is getting high marks for his words, however Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg rated it a big "ZZZZZZZZ"

What have YOU been watching??



  1. I have some pointed remarks about The Fashion Show which we managed to watch around various flood related disasters.

    Next time I think they should have requirements for the final collection over a whole range of clothing options. I'm so tired of gowns and cocktail dresses and fancy, dress up separates. 99% of women wear that kind of stuff a couple times in their lives. We can't all be on the red carpet every evening.

    And, damn it, I want somebody to do another Drag Queen challenge. Thank gawd for RuPaul.

    Tonight Top Chef All Stars and a new show on the SyFy channel involving makeup artists (who wants to be a zombie??)

  2. Froggy -

    You are totally spot on about the requirements for fashion competition shows.

    Also - Top Chef is a repeat tonight - FYI.


  3. repeat?!?! WAH! what's a top chef crack monkey to do??

  4. I was theeeee-rilled that Tranny didn't win the Fashion Show- although his final collection was better than his season average, i still found it repetitive, dull, and obnoxious. And the whole dying lover snoozefest was just tedious to me. It came across as opportunistic and insincere. Don't be a douchebag all season and then pull the pansy card on 2 calculated ocassions- just saying!

    I thought Obama's address was rousing and spot on. I thought Ryan's Rebuplican response was amateurish and poorly rehearsed. And i thought Bachmann's ramblings were ridunculus! And can't wait until the next election when the teadouches kick in to Bachmann Palin Overdrive!!
