
Monday, January 24, 2011

The Ice Car Freezeth

This car, spotted in the East Village, was apparently covered with water during a water main break. The water then froze in our current sub-zero temperatures - causing a 6-inch coating of ice. So far the owner has been unable to remove the solid ice casing - even with an ice pick and hammer.

I wonder how many parking ticket's he'll accrue before the spring thaw??



  1. Oh, now that would just plain mean!

    GB and I had something similar happen in an ice storm when he was in high school. Took us an hour and lots of boiling water to get it freed.

  2. i'm glad it is 59 degrees right now.

    love it.

  3. The same thing happened on the street behind mine a few years ago; there were at least 20 cars all frozen to the street. There was one that didn't move for a good three months.

  4. At least it won't get stolen or towed. It's not often a car owner can feel that certain in a city...
