
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

19-Year-Old Iowan Discusses His Family

Any time a bigot opens his or her piehole and spews words of hate about Gay Marriage, he/she should be forced to watch this video of Zach Wahls proudly discussing his two moms:

Source: Towleroad



  1. That guy should be on TV going up against the bigots when they start with their crap. He'd stay calm and wipe the floor with them. A great speech with none of the ridiculous histrionics the bigots employ to try and add some weight to their flimsy arguments.

    That he's fiercly cute is a double plus.

  2. What a sweetheart.
    Extending his remarks - which I doubt he could have done without breaking down - his mother's health and her partner's ability to take care of her and their household finances, wishes and estate down the road. That is a real and tangible option they are trying to take away.

  3. Zach has joined the short list of people whom I admire.
    I commented elsewhere that I'd love to see someone with such great compassion infused with common sense run for office.


  4. I can barely see to type this from being teary. What a wonderful young man!

  5. Oh, and I agree with Froggy. When he asked what impact that would have on his parents' marriage, I was hoping he'd say more about the reality of those aspects.

  6. Astounding. If this young man could be persuaded to run for office, he could inspire like a young JFK.

    Cigars all around.
