
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The (Creepy) Eagles Have Landed

January, 2010, the weather stayed so cold in St. Louis, Missouri andAlton, Illinois that the bald eagles were cruising over houses in hopes of a quick meal. 
They could not access fish that were at the bottom of the river and had gathered together. 
Some kind souls decided to feed the eagles so they would survive the cold spell.
They gathered fish and started feeding the group of eagles huddled on the shore.
The photo shows what happened. A former teaching colleague took this photo (above) in front of his home. 

I'm sorry, but every time I see a bunch of winged creatures gathering in one place, I immediately think of Alfred Hitcock's The Birds - and that creepy song the school children sang as the flying critters gathered:
I married my wife in the month of June. Ristle-tee, rostle-tee, Now, now, now!
I brought her off by the light of the moon. Ristle-tee, rostle-tee, hey donny dostle-tee, knickety-knackety, retro-quo-quality, willoby-wallaby, Now, now, now!




  1. Once, in the far north, we had our dachshund, in her little blue sweater, running along a deserted beach and watched an eagle key in on her... boy, we were running and yelling!

  2. We get hundreds of crows in the trees every night behind our building. There used to be a transfer station down the road and they would congregate there @ night to feed then roost in the trees after

  3. Oh, I would love to see ONE bald eagle, let alone a big group of them like that! Wow!

    Although I'm a little creeped out by a huge bunch of birds, this is pretty amazing.

  4. That is one of the creepiest movies EVAH!
