
Monday, February 21, 2011

Happy Monday!

Oy - THIS mess again. I took the picture above on my balcony before I left for work this morning (yes - I'm working today - ugh). And the picture below was the view from my bedroom window.

Is it Spring yet??? Happy Monday!!


  1. bbbrrrr *closes laptop and goes back to bed* :)

  2. omg!!
    I found my one and only hyacinth starting to come up yesterday. I have to move it as it is on the No Doggy list - so I'm gardening today!
    Stay warm...

  3. we got another 12 inches.....of snow.


  4. LOL! It's been in the 70s where I live in NC all weekend. Though we had a "rough" couple of weeks in Dec/Jan. I think we had about 5 or 6 inches of snow/ice once.

  5. It IS spring here in South Texas.... the Japanese Magnolias have started to bloom, the redbuds are getting ready to bloom, and there are a few trees and shrubs that are getting ready to burst forth with brilliant greenness. And, it's 70 degrees outside!

    It's our best time of year!
