
Monday, February 7, 2011

The ONLY Good Thing About Valentine's Day

Since I've never actually spent a Valentine's Day (or any other day for that matter) as part of a real "couple", it's not one of those holidays I look upon fondly. However, I DO look forward to getting my grubby little hands on NECCO Sweethearts every year. Those little suckers are addictive - and more satisfying/less trouble than most men.



  1. I didn't think anyone liked to eat those things, lol. To me, they taste like chalk. And no, I don't really know what chalk tastes like.

  2. I love them as well.. And no not those newfangled Sweetheart ones, the original. I have had them every day for lunch. Now once Valentines is over I move on to Jelly Beans for Easter. And I wonder why I cannot lose my last 8 pounds. Hmmmmmm

  3. i refer to them as 'the pepto bismo flavored candy'.....

    yuck. you can have mine!

