
Monday, February 7, 2011

Scenes From The Big Game


Did you watch? What did you think? Highlights? Lowlights? Tell us in the Comments.

I saw bits and pieces of the game last night while washing clothes at the laundromat - including the halftime show. However, I didn't see most of the commercials or Xtina mangling the Star Spangled Banner.



  1. Nothing in the Super Bowl could top Abby catching fire...

    I like the pickup truck, don't know which one (ad fail that) that was portrayed as Lassie and the whole Timmy in the well bit.

    The men had to watch the WHOLE 4.5 hour pre-game.... probably what moved Abby to do what she did.

  2. Didn't watch it. And when I finished not watching it, I didn't watch Glee. Bad fag!
