
Saturday, February 12, 2011

Scenes From My Neighborhood: Joy In 'Little Egypt'

Shortly after moving to Astoria, my BFF and I did a little exploring of the neighborhood. During our travels one evening we came across a stretch of Steinway Street (one of Astoria's main shopping drags) that seemed to be almost in a different country. The street was lined with hookah lounges, Middle Eastern grocery stores and a ton of restaurants serving Kofta, Kebab, Baba Ghannoug, Tehina and Shawerma. Gentlemen sat on chairs along the sidewalk (with some sitting on their Off-Duty taxicabs) chatting and laughing with each other - while gorgeous twenty-somethings sipped cocktails in open-fronted bars. The neighborhood had a REALLY cool vibe, and the BFF and I vowed to return sometime for dinner (which we have yet to do).

It was only yesterday I found out that this particular stretch of Steinway Street is known as "Little Egypt" - and is home to a large number of Egyptian expatriates. Naturally, the people of Little Egypt have been following the events in their homeland closely - glued to TV's and radios in their homes and in neighborhood cafes.

And then it happened. Yesterday, shortly after Egyptian President Hosni Mubarek stepped down, Little Egypt erupted in joy - and the celebrations lasted well into the night.


  1. I thought I've seen everything in Queens

  2. woooo-weeee! Fingers crossed for what comes next.

  3. Gee, we almost walked over there yesterday to see what was going on, sorry I missed it...
    I'll bump into you one of these days...

  4. It's neat to live in an international city like you do. Also, why don't we know anything about your BFF? You casually mention "my BFF" in passing. Inquiring minds want to know!

  5. Auntie Flame -

    I've mentioned him before - and there's even been pictures.

    But he does NOT like it when I talk about him too much - he's very private.


  6. Auntie Flame:

    Here is a post (from VERY early in my blog ) about our birthday trip to Long John Silver's (Michael's favorite)...



  7. Thanks for the link. I don't believe I was reading your blog then. It seems as if I've known you forever though! Now I know about your BFF! :-)

  8. I want to go to little Egypt next time I come visit!
