
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What A Way To Start Your Day!

Now THAT would wake me up in the morning.

Absolutely useless information about Moi: I've only ever been inside a Starbucks twice (to use the bathroom), and I've never spent a penny there. Even though there is a Starbucks on practically every other block in NYC.

And no, it's not some "Down with The Man!" anti-corporate thing - I simply don't like the taste (or even the smell) of coffee. However, the establishment above might just get some money out of me. "Gimme a Venti TRENTA - and make it extra hot!"



  1. Are you sure you wouldn't prefer their new bigger size, trenta?

  2. Dear DustBunny Sean -

    You're right! I've updated appropriately.


  3. I'd be booted out of the state of Washington if I didn't visit Starbucks, at least, twice a week. It's in the state constitution.
